Monday, July 30, 2007

Sweet Freebies for Early MoshPit Ticket Holders @SWITCHFOOT, Live, Sept 10, 2007

We just came from a meeting and the offer for Mosh Pit Tickets has gotten SWEETER:

For 2 MOSHPIT TIX you get 1 SIGNED POSTER by all the bandmembers PLUS A FREE T-SHIRT -- If the MOSH TIXs are purchased on or before August 6,2007. So this is for EARLY BIRDS.

So get those MOSH PIT TIX Now!

We can meet in the famous Ortigas Center Malls like: SHANG, MEGA,
GALLERIA, or ROBINSON's PIONEER or BONI at 0918-929-4002 for your
Tickets. - Jomar Hilario

Or if you're in UP Los Banos call Neenah Hilario 0926-748-2035. She's from VCF. Shell get you tickets.

Note: You get the freebies at the VENUE. Just keep the tickets.


Anonymous said...

Just wanna say thanks again Jomar, it was nice meeting you. See you on the 10th.
PS. If you guys need (extra) coverage during the gig, I can volunteer; I also do photography.

Quran said...

Excellent presentation u have represented here.I am really very much glad on u.I have wondered this from a quite long days.Thanks for the new update.